Camel-hair brush
4-1. Scope of Maintenance
Fine sandpaper
The maintenance duties assigned to the operator and/or
organizational maintenance mechanic of the test
Light gray enamel paint (gloss)
facilities set are listed below, together with the
references to the paragraphs covering the specific
Light gray enamel paint (semi-gloss)
maintenance function. These duties do not require
special tools or test equipment.
Rubber tape
a. Weekly preventive checks and: services (para 4-
c. Test Equipment.
b. Quarterly preventive checks and services (para 4-
Common name
Technical manual
TM 11-6625-475-10
4-3. Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care,
servicing, and inspection of equipment to prevent the
4-2. Tools, Materials, and Test Equipment Required
occurrence of trouble, to reduce downtime, and to
assure that the equipment is serviceable.
A list of parts authorized for operator's and
organizational maintenance appears in appendix III.
a. Systematic Care. The procedures given in
The tools, materials, and test equipment required for
operator's and organizational maintenance are listed
care and cleaning essential to proper upkeep and
operation of the equipment.
a. Tools
b. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services.
Common name
Technical manual
Tool kit
Electronic equipment
The preventive maintenance checks and services charts
Tool Kit TK-100G
(para 4-5 and 4-6) outline the functions to be
b. Materials.
at specific intervals. These checks and services are to
maintain the equipment in a serviceable condition. To
Cleaning compound (FSN 7930-395-9542)
assist in maintaining serviceability, the charts indicate
what to check, how to check, and what the normal
Inhibisol cleaning solvent
conditions are; the References column lists the
illustration, paragraph, or TM that contain repair or
Cleaning cloth
replacement procedures.
If the defect cannot be
remedied by performing the correct
Isopropyl alcohol