TM 11-6625-2398-15-3
Common name
Test equipment
Technical manual
TM 11-6625-475-10
TM 11-2050
SWR indicator
Indicator, Standing Wave Ratio AN/
TM 11-6625-335-12
Variable attenuator
Variable attenuator, Alfred Elec-
tronics Model E101
Slotted line
Coaxial Slotted line IM-92, 11
Crystal detector
Crystal Detector. Hewlett-Packard
Co. Model 42:3A
Low-Pass Filter, Hewlett-Packard
Co. Model :350C
Printed wiring kit
Repair Kit. Printed Wiring Board,
MK-772 U
Tool Kit
Tool Kit. Electronic Equipment Tool
Kit TK-100G
50-ohm termination
Termination, 50-ohms, Microlab
Adapter (type N male to type BNC
females ) ,UG-201A U
Adapter N female to type
BNC female).UG-606 U
Adapter (type BNC female). to type
BNC female). UG-914 U
b. Once the trouble has been isolated to the test
facilities set component or if a spare is not available,
Do not attempt removal or replacement of
parts before reading the instructions in
resistance measurements (para 6-7) on that component
may be performed.
6-4. Visual Checks
Always disconnect the test facilities set
Visually inspect the components of the test facilities set
component from the IFF set test set-up.
for evidence of physical damaged to extender hoards,
Transistors and integrated circuits are used in
insulation or sleeving of cables, mating parts of
connectors and couplings, operating controls of the
hybrid attenuator assembly and front panel test adapter,
and broken, corroded, and bent connector pins.
transistorized circuits.
6-5. Localization of Trouble
6-6. Isolation of Trouble in Hybrid Attenuator
a. In troubleshooting the iff set in accordance with
the technical manuals for that equipment the procedures
every ninety days will hold faulty operation to a
therein make use of the components of the test facilities
minimum since the periodic check will establish its
set. If the same fault(s) appear for similar assemblies of
operational capability.
the iff set, using the same test setup in consecutive
tests, a component of the test facilities set is probably at
b. In the event the hybrid attenuator assembly fails
fault. When trouble is indicated in a component of the
to perform properly, the cause of the malfunction must
test facilities set, replace that component with a spare (if
be determined and remedied. The troubleshooting chart
available) before making further tests. If the trouble is
below provides a step-by-step procedure for
cured by the replacement spare, then the component
troubleshooting. This procedure is based on the VSWR
removed is malfunctioning and it should be checked
and insertion loss measurements.
further to isolate the malfunction.