TM 11-6625-2398-15-3
(5) Connect the GROUND terminal of the megger
(2) Connect the GROUND terminal of the megger
to the outer shell of either plug on the cable.
to the shell of a plug.
(6) Repeat step (2) for the balance of the plug
(3) Wrap an uninsulated wire around the outer
contacts (7) of the cable.
covering of the cable, and connect the wire to the
GUARD terminal of the megger.
(7) Repeat step a(4) for the seven tests.
(4) Rotate the hand crank of the megger at a
speed of at least 160 revolutions per minute ..(rpm), and
(8) Connect the LINE test lead of the megger
read the insulation resistance on the meter. A meter
successively between tests to each plug contact pin
reading of 100 megohms or higher must be obtained.
carrying a wire. In turn, connect the GROUND lead to
each of the other plug contact pins carrying wires.
Repeat step a(4) for each wire. Perform 36 separate
tests until all wires have been tested with respect to
(1) Connect the LINE and GROUND terminals of
each other.
the megger to the pin contacts (of either plug) which are
connected to the two wires of the cable.
(2) Repeat a(3) above.
(1) Connect the GROUND terminal of the megger
to plug contact pin 22.
(3) Repeat a(4) above.
(2) Repeat step d(2) for plug contact pins 20 and
must be connected on the cable.
(3) Repeat step a(3).
(1) Connect the GROUND terminal of the megger
to the outer shell of one of the coaxial connectors on a
(4) Repeat step a(4) for both tests.
(5) Connect the GROUND terminal of the megger
(2) Connect the LINE terminal of the megger to
to the outer shell of either plug on the cable.
the corresponding contact connected to the inner
(6) Repeat step d(2) for the balance of the tests
(4) of the cable.
(3) Repeat step a(3).
(7) Repeat step a(4) for the four tests.
(4) Repeat step a(4).
(8) Repeat step d(8). Perform 15 separate tests
(5) Repeat steps (1), (2) and (4) for the balance of
until all wires have been tested with respect to each
the coaxial connectors (7).
f. Cable W42. (fig. 6-14) (1) Connect the GROUND
terminal of the megger to plug contact pin A11.
(1) Connect the GROUND terminal of the megger
to plug contact pin 4.
(2) Repeat step d(2) for plug contact pins A12,
A13, and A14.
(2) Successively (stop cranking between
connections) connect the LINE terminal of the megger
(3) Repeat step a(3).
to plug contacts 6 and 9.
(4) Repeat step a(4) for the three tests.
(3) Repeat step a(3).
(4) Repeat step a(4) for both tests.