TM 11-6625-2398-15-3
Figure 7-1. Part locations, hybrid attenuator A1.
new length of cable and new or salvaged connectors. If
using a new length of cable and new or salvaged
a new length of cable is not available, salvage as much
connectors. If a new length of cable is not available,
of the damaged cable assembly as possible, and
salvage as much of the damaged cable assembly as
replace one connector.
possible, and replace one connector.
(3) Cable assemblies one foot in length or
(4) To salvage a connector, reverse the
procedure that is used to attach it.
(a) If a connector is damaged, replace
(5) To remove a damaged connector, cut the
the connector.
cable as closely as possible to the connector.
(b) If less than one-tenth of the cable is
b. Cables W14/W15. If the cable is damaged
destroyed, repair the damaged cable assembly,
beyond repair, use a new six foot length of RG58C/U to
replacing damaged connector(s).
rebuild the cable assembly. If the repaired cable will be
more than five feet long, it may be repaired. Salvage
(c) If more than one-tenth of the cable
connectors whenever possible.
is destroyed, replace the cable assembly with a spare.
If no spare is available, rebuild the assembly, using a