TM 11-6625-2398-15-3
undamaged. A damaged alligator clip can be replaced
without rebuilding the entire cable assembly.
A W14/W15 cable assembly that has
been shortened must not be
(1) To attach connector P1 to the cable
connected to the hybrid attenuator
proceed as follows:
RF SUM jack J2 during any of the
(a) Slide clamp nut and braid clamp
tests. Write this on a tag, and attach
over cable (A, fig. 7-3). Trim the jacket (dimension (D),
the tag to the shortened W14/W15
(b) Cut the braid without damaging the
dielectric (dimension (C), A, fig. 7-2). Cut the dielectric,
Replace a connector as follows:
being careful not to nick the inner conductor (dimension
(1) Remove any damaged connector by
cutting the cable as closely as possible to the damaged
(c) Flare braid without combing. Insert
wedge between braid and dielectric. Push the braid
(2) Slip the clamp nut, washer, and gasket
clamp over wedge to hold it in place (C fig. 7-3).
over the cable (A fig. 7-5). Trim the jacket (dimension
(d) Solder contact to center conductor
(E, fig. 7-3), making sure outside surfaces are free of
(3) Comb out the braid smoothly and taper
solder. Avoid use of excessive heat.
over the dielectric. Slide the braid clamp over the braid
(e) Insert cable and parts into
and push it against the cable jacket (B fig. 7-5).
connector body. Rotate cable slightly to make sure
(4) Bend the braid back over 'the braid clamp
braid clamp is seated properly (F, fig. 7-3). Tighten
and trim the excess braid. Make sure that the braid
clamp nut securely to complete assembly.
does not extend beyond the braid clamp shoulder (C fig.
(2) To fabricate the alligator clip assembly
proceed as follows:
(5) Cut the cable dielectric (dimension (A), A
(a) On the other end of the cable, strip
fig. 7-2), being careful not to
nick the inner conductor.
2 3/8 inches of outer jacket (dimension (D), A, fig. 7-2).
Tin the inner conductor (D fig. 7-5). Avoid melting or
(b) From the end of the cable, remove
swelling the dielectric.
2 inches of braided outer conductor.
(6) Solder the contact to the inner conductor,
(c) From the end of the cable, remove
making sure that the outer surfaces of the contact are
3/8 inch of dielectric (dimension (A), A, fig. 7-2).
free of solder. Avoid using excessive heat. The contact
(d) From a 3-inch length of wire,
should be flush against the cable dielectric (E fig. 7-5).
remove .25 inch of insulation from one end and 3/8 inch
(7) Insert the cable and parts into the
connector body. Care should be taken to insure that the
(e) Place the 0.25 inch side against the
knife edge of the braid clamp is properly seated in the
V-groove gasket (F fig. 7-5). Tighten the clamp nut
(f) Slip the ferrule over the braid and
the 0.25 inch side of the wire, so that the ferrule bottoms
against the cable jacket and the wire insulation (C, fig.
c. Cable W16. If connector P1 or the conductors
of the cable are damaged the entire assembly must be
(g) Using a crimping tool, crimp the
rebuilt. Use a new 6 inch length of RG-174/U. Salvage
ferrule to the conductors.
connector P1 and the alligator clips, if they are