TM 11-6625-2398-15-3
that the 0.2dB difference still exists.
i. Cable W48. This cable is not repairable if
If it does not, fabricate a new cable.
connector P1, or one or more of the five coaxial cables
is damaged, so as not to permit connection in the test
set-up. If connectors P2 through P6 are damaged, the
(1) A damaged connector will be replaced as
cable can be repaired. A damaged connector can be
replaced as follows:
(a) Repeat steps b(1) through b(4).
(b) Cut the cable dielectric (dimension
(2) Cut off 1/4 inch of jacket and braid from
(A), A, fig. 7-2), being careful not to nick the inner
the end of the cable (dimension (A), B, fig. 7-2).
(3) Cut off dielectric (dimension (B), fig. 7-2)
(c) Clean the center conductor of the
from jacket and braid. Do not nick the inner conductor.
cable with muriatic acid.
(d) Tin the center conductor. Use type
(5) Cut 3 slits 1/8 inch long and 120 degrees
SN60WS solder.
apart in outer jacket only (C, fig. 7-6) without disturbing
(e) Wash the center conductor in
braid. Raise outer jacket and braid away from dielectric
in order to facilitate the entry of contact-wedge
(f) Rinse the center conductor in
assembly. Straighten inner conductor if necessary.
isopropyl alcohol.
(6) Slide contact-wedge assembly under
(g) Solder the contact to the inner
braid and jacket (D, fig. 7-6). Push back as far as
conductor, making sure that the outer surfaces of the
possible, making sure that inner conductor is visible
contact are free of solder. Use type SN60WS solder.
through side hole of contact. Solder contact to inner
Avoid using excessive heat. The contact should be
conductor through side hole and make sure outside
surfaces are free of solder. Avoid use of excessive
(h) Insert. the cable and parts into the
connector body. Care should be taken to insure that the
(7) Insert cable and contact-wedge assembly
knife edge of the braid clamp is properly seated in the
into body assembly. Tighten nut securely to complete
V-groove gasket (F, fig. 7-5). Tighten the clamp nut
j. Cable A1W1 (fig. 7-1). If
the cable is
(2) After the cable assembly is completed,
beyond repair, use a new eight foot length of RG-222/U
calibrate the hybrid attenuator (para 6-10) and measure
and new or salvaged connectors, to rebuild the cable
the hybrid attenuator VSWR (para 6-11).
assembly. If the damaged cable can still be used, repair
k. Cable A1W2 (fig. 7-1). If
the cable assembly is
the longer end of the cable.
damaged beyond repair, use a new six foot length of
RG-222/U and new or salvaged connectors to rebuild
the cable assembly. If the damaged cable can still be
It is necessary that the insertion
used, repair the longer end of the cable.
losses of the difference channel be at
(1) Replace a damaged connector as follows:
least 0.2dB less than the insertion
(a) Repeat steps b(1) through b(4).
losses of the sum channel, at a 0dB
(b) Repeat steps i(1)(b) through i(1)(h).
setting of the variable attenuator.
After repairing a damaged cable or
(2) After the cable assembly is completed,
replacing a connector, check to see