TM 11-6625-2414-15
dampen the cloth with water; mild soap may be used for
more effective cleaning.
Inspect the exterior of the equipment. The exterior sur-
3-7. Touchup Painting Instructions
faces should be clean, and free of dust, dirt, grease, and
a. When the finish on the exterior of the equipment
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean, soft
has been scarred or damaged, corrosion may be
prevented by touching up the surfaces. Touch up the
surface as outlined in (1), (2), and (3) below.
Adequate ventilation should be provided
(1) Use No. 000 sandpaper to clean the surface
down to the bare metal; obtain a bright smooth finish.
ETHANE. Prolonged breathing of vapor
(2) Sand the area back to solid paint and feather
should be avoided. The solvent should not
the paint edge that leads to the exposed metal.
be used near heat or open flame; the pro-
(3) Wipe the area clan and apply one coat of zinc
ducts of decomposition are toxic and ir-
thin finish coats of enamel to metal surfaces.
ETHANE dissolves natural oils, prolonged
b. When a touchup paint job is necessary apply
contact with skin should be avoided. When
paint with a small brush. For the proper care of the
necessary, use gloves which the solvent can-
brushes and painting equipment refer to TM 9-213 and
not penetrate. If the solvent is taken inter-
TB 746-10.
nally, consult a physician immediately.
Apply a light film of oil (Pioneer No. 10, Eclipse-
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt from
Pioneer, Teterboro, N.J. MIL-L-6085) to unpainted
the case; use a cloth dampened (not wet) with Cleaning
surfaces of all tools and fixtures. Also apply lubricant
Compound, trichlorotrifluoroethane.
(Beacon No. 325, Humble Oil and Refining Co.,
c. Remove dust and dirt from plugs and jacks with a
Chestnut Hills, Mass, MIL-G-3278A) to all moving tool
parts and to critical areas of fixtures, such as drill
d. Clean the front panels and potted cable connec-
bushings and guide pins.
tors; use a soft clean cloth. If dirt is difficult to remove,
The DS and GS maintenance procedures supplement the
a. Visual
procedures described in section H. The maintenance
only techniques required for troubleshooting the
operations performed are the same at all categories. The
maintenance accessories kit. Most circuits are straight
o n l y test equipment required for electrical
through (zero ohms) and the test jacks are labeled with
the same designations as the connector pins.