TM 11-6625-2414-15
(2) Cable W102. Cable W102 is a 26-wire
b. The exceptions are adapter terminations for
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
the power supply, headset, microphone, and break-
insulated cable with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
out box SM-B-625701 (J29-17 to J26-17), break-
Pin number 15 is the guide pin.
out box SM-B-625706 (J8-39, 40 to J12-39, 40),
(3) Cable W103. Cable W103 is a 11-wire
and breakout box SM-B-625711 (J19-1 to J20-1).
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubbar
insulated cable with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
Guide pin is number 7.
c. When troubleshoot the the breakout boxes,
(4) Cable W104. Cable W104 is a 10-wire
insert a jumper into the red and black posts, and
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
insulated with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
be measured at the aforementioned terminals.
Guide pin is number 6.
Removing the jumper should indicate an open
(5) Cable W105. Cable W105 is a 9-wire
circuit on the multi meter.
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
insulated cable with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
a. General. Repair of breakout boxes, termi-
Guide pin is number 6.
nations, and cables consists of replacing any de-
(6) Cable W106. Cable W106 is a 50-wire
fective components or wiring. The components
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
are jacks, connectors, and resistors. Given below
insulated cable with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
are cable descriptions, and procedures for repair
Guide pins are numbers 36 and 39.
of wiring, and component replacement.
(7) Cable W107. Cable W107 is a 24-wire
b. Repair of Cables. Cables W102 through
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
W112 are repaired by replacing Amphenol con-
insulated cable with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
nectors. The defective connector and potting
Guide pin is number 26.
materiaI is removed by cutting them off at the
(8) Cable W108. Cable W108 is a 33-wire
end of the cable. A new connector is installed
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
by inserting cable leads into pins or sockets and
insulated cable with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
crimping, then installing into connector holes
(9) Cable W109. Cable W109 is a 9-wire
and repotting. Epoxy No. 2651, black, and
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
Catalyst No. 9 (Emerson and Cuming, Inc., Canton,
insulated cable with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
Mass. ), or equivalent , should be used as the
potting material which should be coated, after
(10) Cable W110. Cable W110 is a 52-wire
it is cured either one hour at 170F in an oven,
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long except
or at room temperature for a minimum of 12 hours,
for the wire connected to connector P1, pin 14
which is a RG-178B/U wire and is also 11 inches
with a thin layer of DC 630 protective coating
(Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Mich.), or
long), rubber insulated cable with multipin
plugs P1 and P2. P114 shield connects to P1-42
equivalent. This coating should be air dried
with No. 26 awg wire.
for a minimum of two hours before the connector
is used. Crimping tool SM-A-625812, adapters
(11) Cable W111. Cable Will is a 9-wire
SM-B-62581 3-1 (pins), SM-B-625813-2 (sockets),
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
insertion tool SM-A-625815-2 and extractor tool
insulated cable with multipin plugs P1 and P2.
SM-A-62581 5-3 (or insertion/extractor tool
Pins 1 and 2, and 11 and 12 are shielded' pairs.
SM-B-625892) are aII used to perform this func-
P1-3 Connects to shields of Pi-l and P1-2 with
tion. Pins are SM-A-61 7935-5 and sockets SM-
No. 26 awg wire. P1-10 Connects to shields of
A-61 7935-4. Cable W26 is repaired by replac-
P111 and P1-12 with No. 26 awg wire.
ing Cannon connectors. The defective connector
(12) Cable 112. Cable W112 is a 17-wire
is removed and a new connector instaIled using
(each wire is 26 awg and 11 inches long), rubber
insulated cable with multipin connector plugs
crimping tool MS3191-1, red adapter MS3191-
P1 and P2.
20A, extractor tool SM-A-625817-2 and inser-
tion tool SM-A-625817-4.
(13) Cable W26. Cable W26 is a 14-wire,
rubber insulated cable with multipin plugs P1
(1) Cable W1. Cable W1 consists of 6 feet
and P2. Each wire is 22 awg and 12 inches long,
of RG-188A/U. The coaxial cable is terminated
except pins 1, 5, 8, and 9 which is 20 awg shield-
with right-angle female plug P1 and male BNC
ed and 12 inches long. P12 connects in series to
plug P2. For instructions on the replacement of
shields at P11, 5, 8, and 9 with No. 22 awg
Change 1