Section I . GENERAL
1-4. Destruction of Army
Materiel to
vent Enemy Use.
This technical manual contains operator,
organizational, direct support, and general support
Demolition of the equipment will be accomplished
maintenance instructions for Test Facility Set TS-
only upon the order of the Commander. Refer to
2644 / ASN and Test Facility Set TS-2645 / ASN.
TM 750-244-2 for procedures to prevent enemy
from using or salvaging this equipment.
1-5. Administrative Storage
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
Equipment. Use equipment forms and records in
For procedures, forms, records, and inspections
accordance with instructions given in TM 38-750.
required during administrative storage of this
b. Report of Packaging and Handling
equipment, refer to TM 740-90-1.
D e f i c i e n c i e s . Fill out and forward DD Form 6
(Report of Packaging and Handling Deficiencies)
as prescribed in AR 700-58 (Army) / NAVSUP
equipment covered in this manual per TM 750-
Pub 378 (Navy/AFR 71-4 (Air Force)/ and
236.19 March 1973.
MCO P4030.29 (Marine Corps).
1-7. Reporting o f Equipment Publication
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP)
(SF 361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in
S h i p m e n t Report (DISREP)
The reporting of errors. omissions. and recom-
prescribed in AR 55-38 (Army) / NAVSUP Pub
mendations for improving this publication by the
459 (Navy) / AFM 75-34 (Air Force)/ and MCO
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
P4610.19 (Marine Corps).
s u b m i t t e d on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
Changes to Publications) and forwarded direct to
1-3. Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESC).
Commander. US Army Electronics Command,
There are no EXC technical manuals for the
equipments covered in this technical manual.
a. The TS-2644 / ASN provides the necessary
The cover and case are constructed of deep-drawn
aluminum alloy. The cover is hinged at the rear of
testing of Gyromagnetic Compass Set AN / ASN-
the case with a separable-type hinge. Two latch-
43 with Radio-Magnetic Compass Indicator ID-
type fasteners cinch the cover against an extruded
998(*) / ASN as an operating system.
neoprene gasket that is secured on the mating
b. The TS-2645 / ASN provides the necessary
surface of the case. A swivel-type carrying handle is
attached to the top of the cover, The case and cover
to permit testing of Gyromagnetic Compass Set
are finished with gray enamel.
AN / ASN-43 with Heading-Radio Bearing In-
a. Case and Cover Assembly. The case houses
dicator lD-1351 / A as an operating system.
all controls, connectors, cabling, and electrical
c. The TS-2644 / ASN and TS-2645 / ASN
parts that comprise the test set. All test set controls
incorporate the following methods of providing
are located on the panel which is recessed in the
magnetic heading to the system under test:
case. The connectors of cables W2, W3, and W4
( 1 ) Self-contained
are stowed in and secured by angle brackets
( 2 ) Access cable and connector to mate with
mounted on the panel and in the cover. A schematic
diagram of the test set is enclosed in laminated clear
plastic and secured to the inside top surface of the
(3) Access cable and connector to mate with
external magnetic heading simulator.