i. Disconnect cable W1 from 115Vac, 400Hz
d. Set ON-OFF switch to ON.
power for shutdown of test set.
e. Set MAG-DG switch to DG and rotate
Directional Gyro CN-988(*) / ASN until indicator
2-7. Preparation For Movement
displays 180 degrees.
Prepare test set for movement as follows:
f. Set MAG-DG switch to MAG and observe
a. Position the clamp end of all cable connectors
indicator for a heading that agrees with HDG
on the angle bracket of the control panel.
switch position.
b. Push the excess length of all cables down
g. Set HDG switch to each 30-degree increment
through the cutout in the control panel.
position and observe indicator for corresponding
c. Position cover hinge halves opposite case
hinge halves and slide cover into position.
h. Set ON-OFF switch to OFF to place in
d. Close cover and secure the two latch-type
standby condition.