TM 11-6525-1653-15
pole feeds to +12 volts to pin J5-H. The third pole
TP 19 permits examination of the magnetron
furnishes +6 volts to pin J5-E. The fourth pole
trigger pulse from the block 600 modulator at the
delivers +110 volts to pin J5-L. In the OFF position,
junction of load resistors R30 and R31.
t h e s e power circuits feed, respectively, into
5-15. Block 700 Receiver-Transmitter
dummy load resistors R10, R11, R9, and R12.
Power Converter
b. The afc output of block 800 amplifier is brought
in through pin J5-B and is monitored at AFC test
a. The receiver-transmitter power converter
jack TP4. CONT-IND test jack TP6 permits testing
(marked PWR. CONV. RADAR) is a removable
t h e unfiltered afc output, which is admitted
from the test panel and is similar to the receiver-
through pin J5-M and intended for the test meter
on the control-indicator. RCVR-XMTR test jack
Refer to the technical manual for the radar set for
T P 5 connects to pin J5-D and monitors the
a detailed description and presentation of the
unfiltered afc output intended for the test meter on
functioning of the converter.
b. All dc outputs from the converter are brought
permits monitoring the dc voltage output from the
to test jacks located on the test panel adjacent to
AFC GAIN CONTROL of the block 800 amplifier to
the power converter. The voltage levels at these
the block 200 afc amplifier. This signal enters
monitoring points and the corresponding test jacks
through pin J5J.
are as given in the chart below,
5-17. Block 900 Motor Control Test Circuit
The normal voltage at jack marked +330
(TP62) is approximately +300 volts.
a. Connector J13 provides a means of intercon-
Test jack
nection with the radar set motor control circuits.
Through this connector, power and circuit connec-
TP 62
tions are established. ON/OFF switch S26 is a
three-pole, two-position toggle switch that controls
power delivery to connector J13. In the ON
position, the first pole connects the 5-volt supply
to pin J13-5. The second pole supplies +12 volts to
on some equipments there is no -600 volt output
pin J13-7. The third pole feeds +6 volts to pin J13-6.
c. A synchronizing signal appears at SYNC test
In the OFF position, these power circuits feed,
jack TP1 and maybe employed to snychronize test
respectively, into dummy load resistors R67, R65,
and R66.
d. On test panels equipped with AC test jacks, 8
b. A voltage divider, consisting of 24-kilohm
volts ac (nominal) should appear between AC test
resistor R39 and 1,800-ohm resistor R40, is shunted
points TP64 and TP65 on the block 100 test circuit.
across the +12-volt supply. The junction of this
divider is brought to pin J13-8 and provides a fixed
5-16. Block 800 Afc Amplifier Test Circuit
speed-control voltage. Capacitor C8 (2,800-f) con-
nects to pin J13-10 and filters the dc power applied
a. Connector J5 provides a means of interconnec-
to a motor drive emitter follower in the motor
tion with the block 800 afc amplifier, Through this
control circuits.
connector, power and circuit connections are
c. REV A/REV B switch S16 is a single-pole,
established. ON/OFF switch S3 is a four-pole,
double-throw toggle switch that transfers the -6
two-position toggle switch that controls power
volt supply selectively to either pin J13-2 or pin
delivery to connector J5. In the ON position, the
J13-3. This simulates the commutating action
first pole supplies -5 volts to pin J5-F. The second
normally provided by the
Change 10