C6, TM 11-6625-1683-15
lished. ON/OFF switch S5 is a three-pole,
spectively, into dummy load resistors R14 and
two-position toggle switch that controls the
power delivery to connector J6. In the ON
b. The gate signal carried through pin
position, one pole supplies 5 volts to pins
J8-10 is seen at GATE test jack TP18. GATE
J6-6 and J6-7. The second pole supplies +12
POSITION switch S9 is a single-pole, single-
volts to pin J6-4. The third pole furnishes
throw toggle switch. In the closed condition,
+ 6 volts to pin J6-8. In the OFF position,
this switch applies 6 volts to pin J8-7. With
these power circuits feed, respectively, into
this circuit closed, the gate position relay in
dummy load resistors R16, R17, and R15. SIG
the block 500 generator is actuated.
test jack TP8 provides a test point for moni-
toring the signal potential. This is resolved as
c. BLANK switch S8 is a single-pole, single-
a dc electromotive force (emf) proportional
throw toggle switch, When closed, this switch
to the video signal strength. Connection to the
connects +6 volts to the circuit through J8-l,
block 400 amplifier of the radar set is estab-
providing a test of the false-trigger blanking
lished through pin J6-11.
capability of the gate generator.
b. VID test jack TP9 provides a test point
5-14. Block 600 Modulator Test Circuit
for monitoring the video signal from the block
400 amplifier. Entry for this signal is through.
a. Connector J10 provides a means of inter-
pin J6-16. GATE test jack TP10 serves as a
connection with the block 600 modulator of
point of observation for the gating signal de-
the radar set. Through this connector, power
veloped in the block 400 amplifier, This signal
and circuit connections are established. ON/
is admitted through pin J6-10.
OFF switch S13 is a three-pole, two-position
c. NAR/W switch S4 is a single-pole,
toggle switch that controls the power deliv-
single-throw switch, At W (the open circuit
ery to connector J10. In the ON position, one
condition), the video delay line in the block
pole supplies +300 volts to pin J10-8. The
400 amplifier is in a summed state and pro-
second pole supplies 5 volts to pin J10-14,
vides a wide range gate, At NAR (the closed
while the third pole furnishes +12 volts to
circuit condition), the switch applies 6 volts
pin J 10-6. In the OFF position, these power
to a relay in the block 400 amplifier pin J6-14.
circuits feed, respectively, into dummy load
This produces a narrow range gate. GAIN po-
resistors R36, R34, and R35.
tentiometer R18 varies the potential at pin
J 6 - 3 between ground level and 5 volts
This provides control of gain in the audio
amplifier in the block 400 amplifier.
a. Connector J8 provides a means of inter-
pin J10-10, is monitored at MAG I test jack
o f the radar set. Through this connector,
TP 21.
power and circuit connections are established.
ON/OFF switch S7 is a two-pole, two-position
c. LOAD connector J27 is connected to
toggle switch that controls power delivery to
ground through a series of six resistors (R76,
connector J8. In the ON position, one pole
R27, R28, R29, R30, and R31), totaling 2,020
supplies + 12 volts to pin J8-8. The other pole
ohms. This provides a resistive load for the
furnishes 5 volts to pin J8-9. In the OFF
magnetron trigger output of the block 600
p o s i t i o n , these power circuits feed, re-
modulator of the radar set. LOAD test jack