TM 11-6625-2398-15-2
(17) Place a 5 3/4-inch piece of heat shrink
Before pinning connector P1, make
sleeving over pinned wires and butt against outer ground
certain the connector cover is
ring. Using heat gun, shrink the sleeving.
Before pinning connector P1, make
fill open pin apertures with spare pins.
certain the connector cover is
(19) Assemble connector and backshell
properly oriented.
(20) Slide 6-inch piece of heat shrink sleeving
fill open pin apertures with spare pins.
up to strain relief. Using heat gun, shrink the sleeving.
(19) Assemble connector/backshell assembly
(21) Coat strain relief and cable end with
thermofit adhesive and slide 12-inch piece of heat shrink
(20) Slide 10 1/2-inch piece of heat shrink
sleeving over coated area.
sleeving up to strain relief and shrink sleeving.
(22) Using heat gun, shrink sleeving.
(21) Coat strain relief and cable end with
(23) Remove excess adhesive from strain relief
thermofit adhesive and slide 12-inch piece of heat shrink
and sleeving.
sleeving over coated area.
(24) Attach dust cover to cable using cable
(22) Using heat gun, shrink sleeving.
(23) Remove excess adhesive from strain relief
s. Cable 1A4W5.
and sleeving.
(24) Attach dust cover to cable using cable
(1) Cut a section of cable (CP5238A) 71 1/4
inches in length.
(25) Using heat gun, shrink tag marker.
(2) Strip 8 inches of outside jacket from end
t. Cable 1A4W6-1A4W13 and 1A4W16.
following procedure is applicable to the replacement of
(3) Trim 7 19/64 inches of braid from end of
connectors P1 and P2.
(1) Cut a section of cable (7524D3311) 96
dimension B).
inches in length for 1A4W16 or 72 inches in length for
(4) Place tag marker and one 12-inch piece of
1A4W6 through 1A4W13.
heat shrink sleeving, and one 10 1/2-inch piece of
(2) Strip 9/32 inch of outside jacket from both
sleeving over outside of cable jacket.
(5) Slide inner ground ring over cable wires
(3) Place tag marker and dust covers over
and under cable.
outside of cable jacket.
(6) Slide outer ground ring over cable wires
(4) Strip 7/64 inch of insulation from both
and braid so that outer ground ring is centered over inner
ground ring.
(5) Obtain new connector or salvage
(7) Cut a 10-inch length of 22AWG black wire
connector from defective cable assembly. Disassemble
and strip 1/2 inch of insulation from one end.
(8) Hairpin the black wire and insert between
(6) Slip clamp nut, washer, and gasket over
outer ground ring and cable braid.
(9) Using crimping tool, crimp outer ground
(7) Comb out braid smoothly and taper over
ring, black wire, and inner ground ring.
dielectric. Slide braid clamp over braid and push back
(10) Strip 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 inches from jackets of
twisted shielded conductors so that no adjacent pair are
(8) Bend braid back over clamp. Trim excess
braid. Make sure braid does not extend past shoulder of
(11) Trim braid of twisted shielded conductors
dimension D).
(10) Solder contact to center conductor making
(12) Using crimping tool, crimp on ferrules and
sure outside surfaces of contact are free of solder.
Avoid use of excessive heat. Contact should be flush
(13) Place an appropriate length of insulation
over ferrules and ground wires.
(11) Insert cable and parts into connector body.
(14) Strip 3/16 inch of insulation from the end
Care should be taken to insure that knife edge of braid
clamp is properly seated in "V" groove gasket. Tighten
(15) Disassemble either new or salvaged
clamp nut securely to complete assembly (fig. 7-9, view
(16) Using crimping tool, crimp pins supplied
with connector onto exposed wire ends.