TM 11-6625-2398-15-3
modification work order (MWO). If the equipment has
2-1. Unpacking
been modified, the MWO number will appear on the
a. Packaging Data. When packed for shipment, the
front panel near the nomenclature plate. If modified,
complete test facilities set is placed in a polyethylene
see that any operational instruction changes resulting
wrap and packed in a single carton which is then sealed.
from the modification have been entered in the
Figure 2-1 illustrates the method employed in
equipment manual.
the test facilities set. The dimensions of the shipping
container are 22 by 21 by 20 A inches,. and its
volume is 5.72 cubic feet. The test facilities set when
Current MWO's applicable to the
packaged weighs approximately 85 pounds.
equipment are listed in DA Pam :
b. Removing Contents.
(1) Cut the seal and fold back the carton cover.
2-3. Installation and Connections
Remove the polyethylene wrapped transit
a. Installation. The test facilities set is used in
conjunction with a fully operational iff set and external
test equipment in the test-bench maintenance of iff sets
(3) Open the polyethylene wrap and remove the
returned from using organizations. Since the test
transit case.
facilities set primarily contains special purpose test
accessories, only those components and cables of the
(4) Open the transit case and inspect the humidity
test facilities set pertinent to the particular maintenance
indicator (should be blue). If the humidity indicator is
to be performed need to be installed at any one time. In
pink, inspect components for moisture damage.
general, when bench testing of the IFF set or its major
components is to he performed, sufficient space must
2-2. Checking Unpacked Equipment
be provided on or near the test bench to accommodate
the transit case, the external test equipment, the iff set
a. Inspect the equipment for damage incurred during
group case, any components of the IFF set removed
shipment. If the equipment has been damaged, report
from the group case, and all required interconnecting
b. See that the equipment is complete as listed on
b. Connections. As noted in paragraph a above,
the packing slip. If a packing slip is not available, check
only those cables of the test facilities set required for a
the equipment against the basic issue items list (app III).
particular maintenance operation need to be connected
Report all discrepancies in accordance with TM 38-750.
at any one time. If extended and/or extensive use of the
Shortage of a minor assembly or part that does not
test facilities set is anticipated, however, it may be
affect proper functioning of the equipment should not
desirable to set up a basic test station.
prevent use of the equipment.
connections are made as indicated in the following
chart, a basic test station for iff set system testing
c. If the equipment has been used or reconditioned,
results. This station may be expanded upon, using the
see whether it has been changed by a
information contained in chapter 3 and in the
maintenance manuals for the iff set and its major
components, to obtain the proper connections for
particular maintenance procedures.