C 3, TM 11-6625-1683-15
(6) W i t h the connector body and at-
tached cable clear of the shell, slip
b e f o r e placing cable assembly in
the plastic end sleeves that cover each
terminal back along its wire. This will
expose the terminals.
7-6. Cable Assembly CX-10429/PPS-5
(7) Carefully unsolder each lead from its
(8) Withdraw the cable from the shell.
The repair procedure is the same as that
b. If the connector is to be replaced, proceed
as follows:
7-7. Cable Assembly CX-10430/PPS-5
(1) Separate the sections of the replace-
ment connector as indicated in a(l)
The repair procedure is the same as that
through (4) above.
Make sure that ends of cable are free
of surplus solder and prepared for in-
7-8. Cable Assembly CX-10433/PPS-5
sertion into solder pockets of connec-
tor terminals.
Feed cable end through loosened
The repair procedure is the same as that
strain clamp and cable opening in
tors do not use locking screws. The molded
plastic connector body is held in place by two
With plastic sleeves retracted on wire
machine screws accessible at the face.
leads, insert lead ends into designated
solder pockets of connector terminals,
one at a time, and solder each se-
7-9. Cable Assembly CX-10436/PPS-5
curely when inserted.
Slip plastic sleeves along wire and
The repair procedure is the same as that
over terminal ends.
Reassemble connector, making cer-
tors do not use locking screws. The molded
tain that strain clamp is tightened
plastic connector body is held in place by the
and that knurled knobs are properly
male and female guides at each end of the
set up and secure.
connector face. Unscrew to remove. Note rela-
tive location to retain proper orientation of
before returning cable to service.
7-10. Cable Assembly CX-10432/PPS-5
c. If repairs require cable replacement, pro-
ceed as follows:
a. Detach either connector from the cable
(1) Skin end of each wire lead one-eighth
as follows:
inch, and tin.
(1) Loosen two strain clamp screws.
(2) Insert cable end through connector
(2) Remove the two holding screws at
shell with clamp end inward.
the ends of the molded connector
(3) Slip 3/8-inch long plastic sleeve over
each wire.
(3) Withdraw the molded connector body
(4) Insert each wire in solder pocket of
from the shell, carefully feeding the
designated connector terminal, and
a t t a c h e d cable along through the
securely solder in place.
(5) Assemble each connector.
(4) W i t h t h e c o n n e c t o r b o d y a n d