TM 11-6625-1683-15
(3) Unsolder the cable conductors from
7-30. Special Purpose Electrical Cable
Assembly CX-10444/PPS-5
the terminals of the connectors.
(4) Solder the cable conductors to the
terminals of the replacement connec-
a. Male Connector. Replace male connector
as follows:
(1) Note dimensions of epoxy material.
(5) Embed the connectors in epoxy hav-
(2) Remove epoxy material from connec-
ing dimensions noted in (1) above.
Pin 22 of one male connector should
(3) U n s o l d e r cable conductors from
be the same distance from pin 11
printed-circuit board.
as noted in (1) above.
(4) Solder replacement connector into
replacement printed-circuit board.
in (1) above.
(5) Solder cable conductors to printed-
circuit board terminals.
b. Female Connector. Replace the connector
(6) Embed connector in epoxy material
as follows:
with dimensions noted in (1) above.
(1) Note the distance from contact 22 of
b. Female Connector. Replace connector as
one connector to pin 11 of the other,
note the dimensions of the epoxy
(1) Note dimensions of epoxy material.
block in which connectors are em-
(2) Remove epoxy material from connec-
tor, and remove rubber cushioning
(2) Remove the epoxy from the connec-
from around contact terminals.
tors, and remove the rubber cushion-
(3) Unsolder cable conductors from con-
ing from around the connector ter-
nector terminals.
(4) Solder cable conductors to replace-
(3) Unsolder the cable conductors from
ment connector.
the connector terminals.
connector terminals.
(4) Solder the cable conductors to the
(6) Embed connector in epoxy material
t e r m i n a l s of the replacement con-
with dimensions noted in (1) above.
c. Cable. Replace cable as follows:
(1) Remove connectors from cable as out-
terminal of the connectors.
l i n e d in a and b(l), (2), and (3)
(6) Embed the connectors in epoxy hav-
ing same dimensions noted in (1)
(2) Connect replacement cable to connec-
above. Pin 22 of one connector should
tors as outlined in a and b(4), (5),
be the same distance from pin 11 of
and (6) above,
the other as noted in (1) above.
7-31. Special Purpose Electrical Cable
c. Cable. Replace the cable as follows:
Assembly CX10445/PPS-5
(1) Disconnect the connectors from the
cable as directed in b(l), (2), and
a. Male Connector. Replace male connector
(3) above.
as follows:
(2) Connect replacement cable to con-
(1) Note location of index tab with re-
nectors as directed in a(4), (5), and
spect to connector, and note dimen-
(6) and b(4), (5), and (6) above.
sions of epoxy material.
AGO 7918A